26.03. - 10.09.2023: Exhibition at Haus Lange Haus Esthers in Krefeld, D
We are proud to show our theme exhibition at the Haus der Natur in Bonn from 14.07. - 12.09.2021.
28. August - 24. September 2020: ökoRAUSCH Design Festival at Museum für Angewandte Kunst Cologne, D
Publication of my article in the Boxhorn magazine
Publication in the CUBE magazine
12. - 21. Mai 2017: ökoRAUSCH Design Festival at Museum für Angewandte Kunst Cologne, D
19.09. - 27.09.2015: I am proud to support the organisation of the VIERTELPULS – Stadt Raum Festival for the University of Applied Sciences Niederrhein and the SOUND (Kompetenzzentrum Social and Urban Design) / Samtweberviertel Krefeld, D
I am proud to announce, that my work won the "Senatspreis 2015" - a price from the University of Applied Sciences Niederrhein for the best master thesis.
Our project "Das gute Leben im Veedel" is nominated for the Bundespreis Ecodesign!
28. September - 05. October 2014: CREATE exhibition at Rautenstrauch Joest Museum - ökoRausch Festival / Cologne, D
We are proud to announce that our concept is awarded as an official United Nations Education Project for Sustainable Development.
I am proud to support the amazing project "Sturmbrettchen" by Das gute Ding.
08. September - 06. October 2013: REACT exhibition at Rautenstrauch Joest Museum - ökoRausch Festival / Cologne, D
07.-14. October 2012: IDENTIFY exhibition at Rautenstrauch Joest Museum - ökoRausch Festival / Cologne, D
01.03.2013 Start of our DBU project "Das gute Leben im Veedel" with Dunja Karabaic / Cologne, D
Founding of labor gruen. with Dunja Karabaic / Cologne, D
02.-10. June 2012:
SALON MAASTRICHT at the SCOPE13 gallery,
Maastricht, NL
16.-22. January 2012: IMM COLGNE / PASSAGEN - Design Parcours Ehrenfeld at ökoRausch Living presenting Cube System and USELESS. / Cologne, D
06. October 2011 - 22. January 2012: MATERIALS REVISITED - 10.TH TRIENNAL FOR FORM AND CONTENT Exhibition at the Museum of Applied Arts Frankfurt and publication/ Frankfurt a.M., D